Dinsdag 17 April 2018

Gedoen wat verwag word

Gedoen wat verwag word

Weet jy wat God van jou verwag? Weet jy wat wil God graag hê moet jy doen? Of in Bybelse taal: Wat is jou roeping? Hoekom is jy hier op die aarde geplaas?

Dit is belangrik om te weet, want as ons nie weet wat ons roeping in die wêreld is nie, hoe gaan ons dit kan doen? Hoe gaan ons ons kan bemagtig en toerus as ons nie eens weet waarvoor God ons wil gebruik nie?

Paulus is weer vir ons ’n voorbeeld in hoe dit gedoen moet word: 10Julle weet dat nie ek of een van my helpers ’n voet verkeerd gesit het daar by julle nie. God weet dit ook. Ons het alles gedoen wat Hy van ons verwag.

Ek wens ek sal ook eendag kan sê dat ek presies gedoen het wat God van my verwag het en dat ek my roeping uitgeleef het. Soos hierdie moderne weergawe van Paulus en sy vriende wat my vriend Piet daar vanuit Oos-Oekraïne vertel:

About two months ago I had the privilege to visit a small faith community in a rural village not so far from the war zone in eastern Ukraine. There were less than thirty people in attendance on the Sunday and as far as I could understand that included the whole church, except for one lady who was ill.

I was impressed. Not by their worship, the finer points about their theology, or the beauty of their utilitarian meeting place. It may have been possible for a nitpicker to find fault with all of these, but instead I was impressed by how the Lord uses this small community in serving the needs of brothers and sisters in the war zone.

Every two weeks the pastor would take a big van filled with groceries, medicine and fresh bread and deliver it to isolated groups of people that could not afford to flee the war, like many other did. Practical help and spiritual encouragement! They know what is needed most. On the pictures I saw old and young in tears - God has provided!

That already is a good testimony, but what impressed me most was that everyone in the church was involved in some way. Some of the goods came from far away and was channeled through this small group. Other stuff had to be bought locally with money, collected amongst themselves as well as donations from elsewhere.

Everybody helped with sorting and packing and planning. It reminded me about the parable of the mustard seed and the leaven in the dough. The smallest, most insignificant group of people having a big effect in the Kingdom.

That impressed me: Nobody too insignificant to be involved and no faith community too small to have a major impact.

The body of Christ in action!

Hulle het elkeen gedoen wat van hulle verwag word. Hulle het op hulle manier hulle roeping uitgeleef en ’n groot verskil in baie mense se lewens gemaak.

Mag daar ook eendag stories van my en jou vertel word oor hoe ons ons roeping uitgeleef het en mag ons ook so ’n groot verskil maak, orals waar ons gaan.


1 Tessalonisense 2:5-12

Om oor na te dink

Wat is jou roeping?

Doen jy wat van jou verwag word?

Waar kan jy ’n verskil gaan maak?


Vader, U praat nou al so baie met my oor my roeping en ek sit baie keer vas by die begin dat ek nie lekker weet waar om te begin nie. Help my om my oë oop te maak en te doen wat U van my vra. Amen.


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